All You Should Know About High Blood Pressure, Lowering Hypertension Without Medicines. | Beautiful Lady - The Ultimate Health And Beauty Tips And Guides




Jul 10, 2017

All You Should Know About High Blood Pressure, Lowering Hypertension Without Medicines.

Researchers predict that 1.56 billion people around the world will have hypertension disease (high blood pressure) by 2025, its a disease called also "The Silent Killer" because for most cases it has no symptoms.

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The rising number of people suffering from high blood pressure is caused in most of cases by living a less active daily lifestyle, smoking, bad eating diet, consuming too much food that contains great amounts of sodium, like processed foods, greasy foods and alcohol.

Beautiful Lady will answer the most asked questions on the internet about Hypertension (high blood pressure), how to protect yourself before the bad thing happens, and how to control and reduce high blood pressure without medicines.

I. What is Hypertension (high blood disease):

High blood pressure is when your blood pressure, the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels, is consistently too high than it should be. The best way to protect yourself before its too late might be measuring your blood pressure consistently :

  •     Ideal Blood Pressure : 90 over 60 and less than 120 over 80 (90/60-120/80).
  •     Normal blood pressure : More than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 (120/80-140/90).
  •     High blood pressure (hypertension) : More than 140 over 90 or higher (140-90) over a number of weeks, we recommend you to visit your doctor and take your medicines.

II. Why Hypertension is considered as a Silent Killer ?

For most of the time, hypertension has no symptoms, and when untreated, it becomes one of the main reasons that causes heart attacks, stroke, and many other diseases.

III. What should we do to lower high blood pressure readings ?

Hypertension is an untreated disease, but you can control it in an effective way by taking the medicines your doctor gave you, also, by changing your daily lifestyle by adding these  routines to your daily life as follows :

  •  Reduce the consumption of salt and sugar.
  •  Avoid red meats, sweetened recipe and foods that contain artificial trans fats (biscuits, popcorn..).
  •  Doing sport is always an effective way to reduce stress and to keep your body in shape and healthy, not only to lower high blood pressure, but to prevent from having other dangerous diseases.
  •  Have a low-fat, healthy weight.
  •  Losing some pounds may make a huge difference. Overweight increases pressure on the heart, which may lead to hypertension disease, damaged blood vessels, and many other dangerous diseases.
  •  Follow a balanced natural diet plan, low in salt, contains fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, poultry meat and fish, nuts, and non tropical vegetable oils.

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